where the bible comes to life

Telling the story of Jesus Christ through the performing arts since 1989

Upcoming Production

The Promise of Passover

The Promise of Passover

Live at the Texas Ampitheater in Glen Rose.

The Promise is proud to present our annual Spring show, The Promise of Passover! See the story of Jesus as told by the blind man Bartimaus and his family, follow along as they witness Jesus’s ministry, miracles, betrayal, and ultimate triumph over sin and death. A perfect accompaniment to the Easter season for your family or church group, The Promise of Passover runs every Friday and Saturday in April. Come celebrate our Risen Savior with us as we remember and proclaim His death and resurrection through this beautiful musical production.

Telling the story of Jesus Christ through the performing arts since 1989

Cade THompson
Friday December 6th
Saturday December 7th

THe isaacs
Friday December 13th
Saturday December 14th

Josh weathers
wednesday December 18th
friday December 20th

sanctus real
thursday december 19th

consumed by fire
saturday december 21st
sunday december 22nd
monday december 23rd

Have questions?

Have any questions? We are more than happy to answer any questions whether they are related to ticketing or not!

Our Location

5000 Texas Drive
Glen Rose Texas, 76043



